Chiang Mai, Thailand – January 8, 2017: Nightlife in Chiang Mai downtown
(Excerpted from WeExpats)
A new Gallup poll is has shed some interesting light on the demographics of the United States. It seems that a record-breaking number of Americans want to be expats. If you’ve been curious about living the expat life abroad, then you’re not alone.
Perhaps it’s because of high medical costs, or because of the current polarized political climate, but many Americans are looking to live the expat life in another country abroad. A Gallop poll recently discovered that in 2018, a record number of Americans wanted to leave the United States forever and begin their life abroad as expats.
The data does seem to follow an escalating trend in people seeking to leave the United States—beginning in 2017. The latest data has found that 16% of people want to live the expat life. This increase to 16% is a stark rise when compared to a steady 10% – 11% since the year 2000. This means that of the 290,000,000 million Americans in the United States (the total population is 327,000,000 but 37,000,000 of those are immigrants and not American citizens), 46,400,000 American citizens wish they could become expats. For more: https://weexpats.com/record-breaking-number-americans-want-become-expats/
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