A podcast platform that connects your global workforce

Expats and business travelers have information to report, stories to tell and lessons to share, but are often disconnected from the day-to-day rhythm and communications flow of the workforce.  mBARC’s podcast platform can put your expats and local workforce on the same frequency.


Podcasts have a unique ability to engage, inform and influence – consistently and cost-effectively.  It doesn’t take much to start a podcast if all you’re looking to do is add your voice to the 800,000 other people doing them. But it does take skill and experience to produce one with professional-grade production values, and experienced hosts who know how to pace and drive a show that keeps listeners fully engaged for the duration.


mBARC offers professional-level production, hosting, and distribution. We work with you to design a distinctive “sound template,” and customize its format. Our podcast team schedules and coordinates interviews with even the most remote members of your expat workforce.


A customized podcast for your company enables your workforce to “visit” with expats all around the world – where they can share their experiences and bring their colleagues up to speed on business developments in their part of the world.  


The podcasts be all audio (which are easier to produce and “consume”) or include a video element via Skype (or a platform of your choice).  Schedule a free consultation to see how we can connect your global workforce…one podcast at a time.   


Onboard, Assess, Prepare  ¦  In Country Support

Connecting Your Global Workforce

Let us know when you’d like to schedule a free consultation.  ⇓