“Don’t mBARC without us!”
Expertise, guidance & readiness tools to promote peak performance for all segments of the mobile workforce.
Supporting all Phases of the Assignment
Stock photos by Vecteezy
In-Country Family Support
Safety tools.
“Don’t mBARC without us!”
Expertise, guidance & readiness tools to promote peak performance for all segments of the mobile workforce.
Leadership Workshops on Managing Change
• How Successful People Get Even Better: adapting the Navy Seals ethos to leadership
• How To Coach Elite Performers
• Using “Stay Interviews” to Retain Top Performers
PEAQuest is an immersive app that takes users on an ongoing series of exciting virtual adventures as it measures their agility, mastery and capacity for personal/professional growth.
A PEAQ score is a measure/predictor of one’s ability to adapt to and master any new location, culture or situation.
PEAQuest represents a true breakthrough in providing a methodology for gauging, predicting and motivating peak performance for all segments of the mobile workforce.
Email globility@mbarcworld.com for a demonstration of the app.
Do You Have What it Takes?
Each quest is an immersive, narrative-driven experience, based on actual personal experiences. Quests to include:
New Quests Added Quarterly.
Expatriate Support: for all phases and every type of business assignment.
♦ AI-driven assessments to gauge adaptability, cultural competence, situational/risk awareness
♦ Personalized assignment “roadmap”
♦ Dedicated “Navigator” for life of assignment
Duty of Care Training for Managers
Responsibilities and legal liabilities; how to develop a Travel and Crisis Management Plan.
• A measure of an individual’s ability to successfully adapt to work and life in a new location and culture.
• A measure of an individual’s ability to perform remotely, overseas or at the worksite.
• A measure of a company’s ability to extend a “global” culture across an increasingly decentralized workforce.
mBARC is a “globility” platform that provides centrally coordinated mobility and risk mitigation services to improve the well-being and productivity of all segments of today’s workforce – remote workers to expats on short and long-term business assignments outside the U.S.
⇐ Assuring safe and successful global assignments.
Employees on short or long term international assignments have a much greater chance of success when they are resilient and engaged, have an understanding of the culture, support for their spouse and/or family, a clear-eyed view of the threats and risks associated with their location, and are trained in security protocols and crisis management/response.
Supporting all workers at all phases of their transition ⇒
Relocating to another city or home office also comes with many unseen challenges. mBARC’s Globility Tracker increases employee resiliency, mastery and personal/professional growth.
From onboarding to the return home.
mBARC was developed in consultation with a cross-section of business leaders and experts in the fields of global security and workforce mobility, risk management, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and behavioral science. We provide all segments of the workforce – remote workers, ex-pats, worksite employees – with expertise, guidance and tools to increase their “globility,” which improves their ability to thrive in any environment, culture or situation. We give today’s increasingly decentralized organizations actionable visibility into what will move the needle on engagement and productivity.
mBARC is a “globility” platform that provides centrally coordinated mobility and risk mitigation services to promote safe and successful short and long-term business assignments outside and across the U.S. It was developed in consultation with a cross section of business leaders and experts in the fields of global security and workforce mobility, risk management, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and behavioral science.
Let’s Talk
Leave us a brief message and we’ll schedule a call to discuss your objectives. Thanks for spending time on our site, we look forward to hearing from you.
Expertise, guidance and readiness tools for safe and successful business assignments anywhere in the world.
♦ AI-driven assessments to gauge adaptability to change, cultural competence, situational/risk awareness
♦ Personalized assignment “roadmap”
♦ Dedicated “Navigator” for life of assignment
♦ Duty of Care training for managers.
♦ In Country Coaching Network
♦ Critical Incident (from personal crises to kidnap and ransom)
♦ Personal Work Engagement assessments
♦ Prepare for repatriation
♦ Exit interview to facilitate reintegration to the workplace and home country
♦ Knowledge transfer to help future business travelers navigate those parts of the world
mBARC is a “globility” platform that provides centrally coordinated mobility and risk mitigation services to promote safe and successful short and long-term business assignments outside and across the U.S. It was developed in consultation with a cross section of business leaders and experts in the fields of global security and workforce mobility, risk management, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and behavioral science.
mBARC to provide expertise, guidance and readiness tools for safe and successful business assignments anywhere in the world....
MoremBARC to provide expertise, guidance and readiness tools for safe and successful business assignments anywhere in the world....
MoreThe assignment was to begin in three months, which gave them time to work things out before the manager was to leave for Pert...
MoreHaving lived and worked in Sao Paulo, the coach knew this attitude would cause inevitable friction with his co-workers, and i...
MoreOur evaluation found them prepared for the assignment, but it was discovered during the follow-up call that they had a daught...
MoreAccording to MetLife survey 67% of American employees are interested in taking an expatriate assignment through employer....
MoremBARC to provide expertise, guidance and readiness tools for safe and successful business assignment...
Read MoremBARC to provide expertise, guidance and readiness tools for safe and successful business assignment...
Read MoreThe assignment was to begin in three months, which gave them time to work things out before the mana...
Read MoreHaving lived and worked in Sao Paulo, the coach knew this attitude would cause inevitable friction w...
Read More
mBARC has plans for every mobile workforce and for every assignment:
◊ Tourist: for short term assignments
◊ Business Class: for extended business travel
◊ Enterprise: for expats and their families
Leave us a brief message and we’ll schedule a call to discuss your objectives. Thanks for spending time on our site, we look forward to hearing from you.