In Country and On Location Support

In Country Support

A dedicated “Navigator’ is assigned to each employee (and family member) for the life of the assignment. Navigators are credentialed counselors and coaches who have lived and worked in the Americas, Europe, Asia, the Middle East and Africa. They provide mentoring during the pre-departure phase, in-country guidance, ongoing engagement, and critical incident support.


In Country Expatriate/Family Support

Navigators maintain regular communications for the length of the assignment. Each Navigator has access to a global network of mental health professionals, assuring quick response when the need — or a crisis — arises. The assigned Navigator makes quarterly “status” calls to the expat for a structured intake.

For people who have relocated, as well as expats and business travelers on an extended stay, levels of engagement and job satisfaction often fluctuate given all the variables and adjustments of living and working in a new city and/or culture. We offer optional In-Country assessments based on the Personal Work Engagement model developed by Work Matters that measure the emotional connection to the organization and to one’s job. While one can have a loyalty to the organization, that doesn’t necessarily include love for the job or assignment (and vice versa). The scientific PWE assessments give Navigators the most accurate and revealing gauge of their employee’s changing sentiments and levels of engagement, and is particularly valuable for those dealing with the ups and downs of a transition to another culture and environment.



Onboard, Assess, Prepare  ¦  The Return Home

A Proactive Approach To Expatriate and Family Support

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Our all-star roster of Navigators – dedicated for the life of your assignment.